Western Australia stops without trucks. With the freight task set to treble in the next 30 years, iNSTRUCKTA! is an essential, interactive and innovative education solution that will teach current and future road users how to safely interact with heavy vehicles in Western Australia.
What is it?
iNSTRUCKTA! is a truck and customised semi-trailer which expands into a cutting-edge education space. It will educate current and future road users about how to safely interact with trucks on the road.
The first of its kind in Western Australia, iNSTRUCKTA! contains innovative, technology-driven education programs which will engage people of all ages in Western Australia.
By visiting schools, community events and public spaces around Western Australia, iNSTRUCKTA! will tailor interactive and digital information experiences to increase understanding and change behaviour.
iNSTRUCKTA! is taking road safety up a level in Western Australia to make roads safer for all truck drivers and road users.

Why do we need iNSTRUCKTA!?
We have a growing freight task in Western Australia, a cohort of current road users who are not confident sharing the road with heavy vehicles, and an opportunity to better educate future road users.

The volume of heavy vehicles on our roads is steadily increasing with projections that the number of trucks will double in the next 9 years, and treble by 2050.

80 percent of fatal accidents involving cars and trucks in Australia are deemed to be the fault of the car driver, not the heavy vehicle driver (NTARC, October 2020).

Safety Partners
Western Australia stops without trucks. With the number of heavy vehicles on our roads set to treble in the next 30 years to support our growing state economy, iNSTRUCKTA! is an essential, interactive and innovative tool for your organisation to support road and truck safety in Western Australia.
80 percent of fatal accidents involving cars and trucks in Australia are deemed to be the fault of the car driver, not the heavy vehicle driver.
iNSTRUCKTA! will help make roads safer for our truck drivers, by creating interactive and innovative education opportunities for current and future road users. Our technology driven education and awareness programs will help build confidence and understanding in Western Australians about how to safely share the roads with trucks.
iNSTRUCKTA! will promote the role of the trucking industry in WA and educate people of all ages about the employment opportunities in the industry.
If you would like to become a Safety Partner please reach out via the contact form below.